Some of the techniques we use to achieve a depth effect on the wall surface. These are always layers of paint that are layered on top of each other to create a fuller and very pleasing visual effect.
Sponging is perhaps the easiest decorative technique to learn. All it takes is a natural sea sponge, glaze and two or three colors of paint to add dimension, color and texture to any room, whether it’s the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom.
Dip a damp sea sponge into a glaze/paint mixture and lightly dab the mixture in a random pattern on your wall. To achieve a subtle effect, use a glaze color from the same color family of your base color. For a bolder effect, use a glaze color from a different color group.
Sponge painting is a technique that can create a beautiful array of ombre color effects—one color blending into another. It involves nothing more than applying a base coat of color, then using sponges to dab on another color, so the underlying color shows through.

Color washing
Color washing, or "broken finish" technique, can bring authentic old world charm to any room, making it feel as if it's weathered by time. Yet it's amazingly simple to do. Just apply a thin, translucent glaze over a contrasting base color and use feathery brush strokes to produce a mellow, soft texture.
Color washing can be achieved by sponge painting or brushing the latex glaze onto walls. A paint brush will provide a more textured look, while sponges or soft rags will create a softer, more diffused appearance.

Strié Technique
You could spend a fortune on real fabric wall coverings, or you can try the faux painting technique known as “strié” or dragging. Dragging is just that — pulling a brush through a colored glaze that has been applied over a base coat. It's a luxurious, high-end look that you can master in no time.
To achieve the strié effect, your glaze topcoat should be in a different color than the base coat so that it contrasts. Apply an acrylic glaze/paint mixture over the topcoat, using a roller or brush, in vertical strokes from top to bottom. Do small sections of the wall at a time so that the glaze doesn’t dry prematurely. Then, lightly drag a large, long-bristled paintbrush through the coat of glaze/paint from top to bottom in long, soft, vertical strokes. Wipe the brush on a rag and then repeat the process along the rest of the wall, slightly overlapping the previous section each time. Let the glaze coat dry completely.